Please contact Pam to find out if she has current openings in her schedule.

Sparks of Light


Summer Bounty

Hello sweet friends… Summer is upon us! Here in the midwest, we are immersed in the lush full blooms of the season after plentiful rain.  My thoughts are now turning to the season of light + abundance, the element that corresponds with Summer – FIRE –  and how we are or are not tapping into

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Sacred Seasons Schools are open!

Dear friends…  Why am I so excited to finally launch Sacred Seasons School and the Inner Wildling mentorship program?  These programs are a culmination and a portal beyond all that I have been immersed in for my entire life. These babies have been in me for decades, and I’ve slowly been feeding and growing and

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Ways to Work with Me in 2024

Hello friends! I’m excited to announce that I have retired my license as a marriage + family therapist. This shift has given me the space I’ve been craving to create virtual courses, offer more group workshops, retreats + rituals, and to work 1:1 with individuals who wish to work on a more soulful level with

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Welcome Autumn: Updates

Hello sweet friends… I hope this time of year finds you ready for the bountiful + reflective season of Autumn: a time of slowing down to re-center and prepare for our descent inward during the colder, darker months ahead in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the Season of Rebalancing. A time to bring together our resources,

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Summer Solstice: How are you holding your Light?

Summer Solstice has arrived, and with it, an invitation to sit with the longest day of our year. The most daylight and sunshine. The sensations of fullness, illumination, and clarity. Our dreams and imaginings. Our wonderment. What lights us up and tickles our fancies. I encourage you to set aside some time in the window

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Mental Health

May: Abundance + Flow

  Happy May Day, a day with Celtic and pagan roots. Beltane was traditionally a celebration for the beginning of a new season, summer – and the midway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It is another between-time, a time of preparation, a time to plant seeds and celebrate our fertility, creativity,

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Mental Health

Spring Equinox: A Season of Bridging

We have arrived at the Vernal /Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. This is our moment to reflect on Balance, as it is equal time day and night.  What do you need in order to recalibrate your life? What yearns to be created from the compost of your past? What would support you to

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Mental Health

Love In All Its Forms

Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in Love. – Rumi  I do have a fondness for the month of February. I remember my mom sending me and my college roomies chocolates and red undies (Go Badgers!) for my first Valentines away from home. Both of my grandmothers and both my favorite uncles were

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Mental Health

Business Changes + Announcements

Three important and exciting announcements… First, I have completed my Professional Tarot Certification with Katrina Wynne, MA. Her blend of psychological and tarot wisdom helped me to provide this service to you as another way to expand your personal growth. What is Tarot? Tarot is a wisdom tool that helps us to connect to our

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