Please contact Pam to find out if she has current openings in her schedule.

Soul Illumination / Therapeutic Coaching
Virtual 1:1 sessions to tend to your soul, what is calling your attention, and to create practices to tend to it.
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Workshops, Mini Retreats, + Rituals
Group Opportunities to Support Your Soul Life
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Sacred Seasons School
Virtual learning opportunities to support, inspire, and deepen your soul evolution. These powerful programs will support your mental health + well-being, amplify your soul-centered life, and provide ways to more profoundly access your unique truth + essence.
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Soul Growth Opportunities

Summer Bounty

Hello sweet friends… Summer is upon us! Here in the midwest, we are immersed in the lush full blooms of the season after plentiful rain.  My thoughts are now turning to the season of light + abundance, the element that corresponds with Summer – FIRE –  and how we are or are not tapping into

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Soul Illumination / Therapeutic Coaching

Therapeutic Coaching sessions are offered virtually. They incorporate an integrative psychotherapy approach with a focus on taking action. The intention is to support you to build increased awareness on a soul level, and then to integrate your wisdom into a conscious action plan.

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Summer Bounty

Hello sweet friends… Summer is upon us! Here in the midwest, we are immersed in the lush full blooms of the season after plentiful rain.  My thoughts are now turning to the season of light + abundance, the element that corresponds with Summer – FIRE –  and how we are or are not tapping into

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Summer Bounty

Hello sweet friends… Summer is upon us! Here in the midwest, we are immersed in the lush full blooms of the season after plentiful rain.  My thoughts are now turning to the season of light + abundance, the element that corresponds with Summer – FIRE –  and how we are or are not tapping into

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Sacred Seasons School enrollment

Sacred Seasons School

If you seek inspiration, guidance + support :
to enhance your mental well-being, 
to amplify your soul-led life, 
to live a life more seasonally in tune,
to access your innate creativity + natural vitality, AND
to deepen into your own truth + essence… 
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Sparks of Light

Mental Health

Business Changes + Announcements

Three important and exciting announcements… First, I have completed my Professional Tarot Certification with Katrina Wynne, MA. Her blend of psychological and tarot wisdom helped me to provide this service to you as another way to expand your personal growth. What is Tarot? Tarot is a wisdom tool that helps us to connect to our

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Halloween: Tools for Between-Times

Hello dear ones… Another gorgeous autumn is wrapping up here in the Midwest. As we shift out of harvest and into hibernation, I invite you to make time to reflect on what you need for the weeks ahead.  Halloween /Samhain /All Hallow’s Eve is a shadowy, mysterious time to access deeper personal + ancestral wisdom.

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Mental Health

Love In All Its Forms

Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in Love. – Rumi  I do have a fondness for the month of February. I remember my mom sending me and my college roomies chocolates and red undies (Go Badgers!) for my first Valentines away from home. Both of my grandmothers and both my favorite uncles were

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Pamela Kowal, M.S., LMFT Emeritus, Healing Practitioner
I have spent the past 30 years in the healing arts. I recently retired from my 27-year career as a licensed marriage + family therapist so that I can pursue more creative and soulful approaches to providing healing services. In all that I offer, I use a soul-centered framework to support clients on their evolution of…

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