Pam is now scheduling in-person sessions at Green Lotus Yoga + Wellness Center Lakeville and at Invigorate Life Counseling St. Paul. Email her at or text/call 651-434-0466 to make an appointment.

May: Abundance + Flow


Happy May Day, a day with Celtic and pagan roots. Beltane was traditionally a celebration for the beginning of a new season, summer – and the midway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It is another between-time, a time of preparation, a time to plant seeds and celebrate our fertility, creativity, and generativity… and to gather around the fires of initiation, inspiration, and new beginnings. 

Perhaps you can lean into the delights of putting on a summer dress after a long winter, receiving or giving an abundant May basket of flowers, dancing around a bonfire, or eating a decadent meal of Spring goodness. Reclaim your inner fire through your body and senses, and let it be reignited for the season ahead. Feel the fire in your belly and in the people around you who are also leaning into their renewed vitality.  

What makes you feel more alive? Who brings out your aliveness?
How are you cultivating a renewed relationship with your Creativity + Generativity? 


I traveled to the north shore of Lake Superior this weekend, and I was overcome with the power of the mighty waterfalls. I spent time reflecting on how we all find ways to block the flow of Life, and the ways we avoid shifting into deeper consciousness. 

The shift I’m making to the new way I’ll be working has required many steps. With each step, Spirit is giving me plenty of opportunities to work WITH the flow of Life instead of against it. 

Add in Mercury retrograde, eclipse season, and the beginning of my second Saturn return = the perfect storm? Probably. Thank the goddess for my years of spiritual and mental wellness practices, energetic tools, and willingness to dig deep because the work to allow the next version of myself to come alive requires fortitude. I often pull out the Strength card in my tarot deck to remind me that especially with my Leo Sun vibe, I can tap into the Lion energy through my heart, softness, and yes, trusting the flow of Life instead of forcing it. 

The waterfalls reminded me of this. And today, May Day is a sacred moment to choose more flow and more Life. 

How to do this? It requires consciousness and commitment. First I declare that I want to embody a life of more Soul. Depth. Aliveness. Magic and meaning.

Then I have to make the space to receive.  

I can add in more meditation time, morning and night. I can spend less time on social media and more time reading deeply, voraciously, and expansively. I can create chunks of openness to write for fun and curiosity. I can hang out with my friends who are also embracing their next ways of working + living + making meaning these days. I can do some art just for the sake of having fun.

I can allow, embrace, and follow the flow of opportunities Life wants to provide each day. 


I invite you to reflect on: 

In what ways can you build in more space to daydream, create, and seek Beauty? 
How would you describe your relationship with Time?  
What does it look like to live sustainably from a creative and spiritual framework? 

You may want to journal these questions. Meditate on these questions. Walk these questions. Pull some tarot cards to support your knowing. *** 

As we celebrate this May Day in whatever ways we are called, I hope you let the wondrous people in your life see who you really are + who you are becoming so that they can lift you up and lighten your path…  to help you flow with all that Life is offering you in each moment.  Let’s keep the flames of Aliveness and Soul well-tended in ourselves and in one another.

I see you and your brilliance – and the world needs more of it!

May you be infused with renewed blessings of Creativity, Abundance, and Flow today and in the month ahead. 

With gratitude and love always, 


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