Pam is now scheduling in-person sessions at Green Lotus Yoga + Wellness Center Lakeville and at Invigorate Life Counseling St. Paul. Email her at or text/call 651-434-0466 to make an appointment.

Sacred Seasons Schools are open!

Dear friends… 

Why am I so excited to finally launch Sacred Seasons School and the Inner Wildling mentorship program? 

These programs are a culmination and a portal beyond all that I have been immersed in for my entire life. These babies have been in me for decades, and I’ve slowly been feeding and growing and creating them through my various life experiences and ventures. 

My life started with a flavor of the mystery and magic. My great grandmother read tarot with playing cards. My grandma, who lived next door to us, interpreted my dreams with me and had a ouija board, and also told me to never wear red lipstick because that’s what witches do. 

From that juicy mix of myth + magic + reality, I soon found myself on the seeker’s path. 

At the age of 28, I was hired as a book editor at Llewellyn Publications, a new age + pagan book publisher. My first day on the job, the acquisitions editor looked at me and said, “You’re going to make a great witch with that red hair.” 

As a side note, I also was told at this same workplace by another editor that he was scared of me because aliens often come to earth in the form of redheads. 

I loved those days. I learned so much about earth-based practices, and started rituals + traditions that better suited my nature than any previous systems of worship or philosophy. I started celebrating Winter Solstice, and slowly added other earth holidays as time passed. 

Thirty years later, these holy days are what anchor my connection to the earth, to my soul, to kindreds of all species. 

After those days at Llewellyn, I went back to grad school to become a licensed marriage + family therapist so that I could learn more about systemic thinking and healing. I was passionate about weaving spirit + soul back into therapy, and blending alternative modalities with conventional. I quietly wove my intuition, creativity, soul practices, and magic into a field that was and still is focused on pathology and quick fixes. 

I spent 25 years exploring, learning, observing, and uplifting where and when I could. I met Esther Perel and Dick Schwartz before they were all the rage. I fell in love with their non-traditional, soul-focused ways of offering healing + change to people. 

I also immersed myself in trainings + certifications of all kinds: Karuna + Usui Reiki, yoga nidra teacher training, EFT, EMDR, ART. I studied with energy healers locally and nationally. I took trips to Peru + Brazil. I’ve read and studied meditation, all types of spirituality + ancient spiritual practices, shamanism, and took all kinds of creativity courses too. I have studied, practiced, and become certified in tarot. I invested myself into intersectional feminism, social justice issues, and began (and continue) to dismantle my white supremacy. I want to live in a matriarchy – a world that is deeply collaborative, non-hierarchical, and learns how to share power so all beings are free to be who they came here to be.

Not all of the teachers I met along the way were great (and I was not always a great student), but through it all, I learned so much about myself, what I believe and don’t believe – and why. I became dedicated to exploring my personal truth and observing + questioning what may be true for the collective. 

I continue seeking and learning and evolving with teachers to this day. I have been part of a healers circle for 13 years, a small group of women practicing in the Twin Cities area who are committed to bringing more light + awareness + healing to the earth. I have been and am currently an apprentice of HeatherAsh Amara of  the Toltec lineage (Don Miguel Ruiz) and Celtic shamanism (Vicki Noble).  I have been in Jungian analysis for six years, and this too has been life-changing and life-enhancing. 

I believe in learning, integrating, and sharing as best I can all that I have learned through resonance and through challenge. Through ease and through shadow. Through the messiness of it all. 

As I have learned in my journey and being in so many circles, we need each other. We need to learn and grow and uplift one another. As sacred mirrors and guides and fellow questioners and committed wild ones. 

Especially because we are poised for a tumultuous political season yet again here in the US, we are in the throes of the climate crisis, and we are living through humanitarian disaster after disaster. 

I am devoted to building resilience, building fortitude, building + channeling our sacred rage and passions into doing our part to make this world a little better than where it is right now. And I believe with my whole heart that we can do that. 

Individually and collectively. 

Soulful living to me is a creative + spirit-infused one. It is one of questioning and wondering. It is one of deconstruction and reconstruction. It is rage + grief + joy + pleasure.  It is about evolving old ways of thinking + leaning into new ones more suited for the times and what is to come. 

This is why I believed in these sacred school babies so devotedly until the divine timing appeared for them to be birthed. 

My partner in crime, creative co-conspirator, and wise woman Sarah Ratermann Behean arrived at the right time and our joint passions and collective skill set came together like magic. 

The foundation is now set, and we are ready to offer these sacred spaces for all who are ready to dig in, get the inspiration + support to deepen into their own truth, and to LIVE it aloud in this world. 

“A teacher is a student who teaches to continue his study.” – Mochizuki Minoru Sensei

We welcome you with open hearts and open arms into the sacred sanctuaries we have created so we can all evolve together. Please explore and ask questions. You can read below for details and also hop onto  

Feel free to jump in on a Moon Ceremony if you want to get a flavor of how SRB and I co-create ceremonies. Our newsletters + socials over the next few weeks and summer will offer early bird discounts + fun invitations. 

Sacred Seasons School

Sacred Seasons School invites you to be the scientist of your own life: to explore and note the phases of your own existence. It is designed for folks who are interested in learning more about the wheel of the year, their own cycles and how they are connected, and learn simple tools to grow and thrive. It is a more entry-level exploration of these topics and great for those starting on or wanting to revive their self-awareness journey. It is comprised of: 

  • Self-study courses that align with the season 
  • Opening and closing ceremonies
  • Mid-season group check-ins 
  • A robust platter of tools, practices, prompts, handouts, and resources to help you embody your learning

Sacred Seasons School kicks off on September 22, 2024, the Fall Equinox. Enrollment opens on September 1. 

Learners can opt in season by season, or sign up for the full year. 




Inner Wildling mentorship program

Inner Wildling is an 8-month intensive program that allows you to re-member all parts of yourself that the world told you were too small or too much, not good enough, not ‘right.’ It is a deeper dive for folks who have been committed to their inner work  and the deconstruction/reconstruction of old systems that no longer serve. 

In this program, you will receive: 

  • A full curriculum of self-study courses based on a blend of earth-based practices, therapeutic + psychological concepts, and soul-accessing tools 
  • An extensive well of resources and practices to buoy your experience 
  • A fellowship of other like-minded folks through group coaching and self-structured peer connection time 
  • One-on-one mentorship 

Inner Wildling begins December 1, 2024 and runs through August 1, 2025. Enrollment opens in late autumn. If you want to be added to the waitlist for this program, email or let me know through email or text 651-434-0466. 

$2000/full program 



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