Pam is now scheduling in-person sessions at Green Lotus Yoga + Wellness Center Lakeville and at Invigorate Life Counseling St. Paul. Email her at or text/call 651-434-0466 to make an appointment.

Therapeutic Coaching

Therapeutic Coaching sessions are offered virtually. They incorporate an integrative psychotherapy approach with a focus on taking action. The intention is to support you to build increased awareness on a soul level, and then to integrate your wisdom into a conscious action plan.


Therapeutic Coaching


Therapeutic Coaching supports clients to increase their awareness on a soul level and to then take aligned action in their lives.

A typical session will include exploring where you are at on a body, mind, and soul level, and then reviewing and/or upgrading resources and tools so you can take soul-aligned action to live your best life. We will use our combined intuitive gifts, creativity, and the tarot when called to it.
I will be drawing on my 27 years as a licensed therapist (now retired), and the multiple trainings + modalities I have studied for decades, as well as the ongoing soul work I do via Jungian analysis, somatic /energy healing, shamanic + earth-based studies.

I now offer in-person services at Green Lotus Yoga + Healing Center in Lakeville, Minnesota, as well as at Invigorate Life Counseling in St. Paul.

For these in-person sessions I’ve extended the appointment time to 75 minutes so you can also integrate reiki /energy work and/or a mini tarot consult if you’d like. Email me at or text /call 651-434-0466 to schedule. Prices remain the same, $165/session.


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