Pam is now scheduling in-person sessions at Green Lotus Yoga + Wellness Center Lakeville and at Invigorate Life Counseling St. Paul. Email her at or text/call 651-434-0466 to make an appointment.

Tarot Consultations

Tarot Consultations: Love Letters For Your Soul is a way for you to delve into your inner knowing and to expand your personal growth work. These readings are a way to uplift, spark, and support you to hear your own wisdom on a deeper level so that you can take inspired action.


Tarot Consultations


Tarot Consultations are $90 and are provided through email readings. Once you provide a question/area of focus, we make sure I have clarity before I do the reading. I sit with your inquiry, do the tarot spread, and then provide an inspired interpretation – A Love Letter From Your Soul – via email, with a picture of the cards/spread. It will include journal prompts, points of reflection, and encouragement for you to work with the guidance.

My clients have enjoyed deepening into their love letters, feeling inspired, and taking action from the guidance. Tarot is a beautiful way to empower yourself and set the course for the next season of your life.

Please email me at to schedule your reading.

Tarot Consultations:

Love Letters from Your Soul


Tarot Code of Ethics

A code of ethics is a helpful declaration to let potential clients know who they are working with and the intended quality of the service. It may also express boundaries, limitations, and respectful exclusions set by the practitioner.

My Tarot Consultations Code of Ethics is strongly influenced by my training as a licensed therapist, offering the same respect and clear boundaries you would expect from a mental health professional. Ideally, readings are life-affirming + empowering experiences for clients and readers alike.


Every reading benefits from my lifetime of spiritual + soul work, 25+ years as a therapist, and professional and informal tarot training for many years. For more information about my background and training, please click “About Pam” and/or “Professional Expertise.”

Open Mind and Heart

Every client and topic is addressed with respect and a compassionate heart. All are welcome. Open to exploring all topics clients wish to address in a life-affirming manner. All adults are served.


Clients’ names and personal content are kept private. The only exception is when clients have given specific permission to share the story of their readings.

Scope of Practice

When topics are presented, such as health, legal, or financial questions or decisions, these are areas that may be better addressed by those with professional experience or credentials. Effort will be made to offer effective referrals if possible. Some concerns may be deemed appropriate as long as they do not involve specific advice or decision-making on the part of the reading or reader. Tarot readings are not meant to be a substitute for professional treatment, care, or advice. In addition, I am not in a LICENSED therapist role when I am offering tarot consultations. When a therapeutic issue reveals itself, we will discuss it in terms of comprehension, consciousness, and education… and I will recommend working with a therapist to work more deeply on the pattern.

Fortune-Telling and Predictions

My greatest strengths are in supporting clients to get a clearer perspective of their issues and opportunities, to be a spiritual bridge/guide/mentor/conduit for clients to reach desired changes, and to go as deeply into clients’ healing processes as appropriate. In this light, I believe predicting specific future events only provides temporary satisfaction, where deeper understanding may offer clients a sense of peace and power to make better decisions.

Satisfaction of Service is Guaranteed

If these guidelines resonate with your expectations of a tarot reading, I know you will be absolutely satisfied with your reading. I would rather refund a client’s payment than to have an unsatisfactory experience for either the client or myself.


Tarot Philosophy

Every tarot reader has their own philosophy. Here are some of my beliefs and how I offer tarot consultations.

*Tarot consultations/readings should be life-affirming, empowering, and support a client to come to their own conclusions and answers. This is a tool to point you back to + support you to develop a closer relationship with your inner compass. All of my readings are based on that intention.

*I view Tarot as a wisdom tool steeped in archetypal wisdom that helps us to hear our souls more clearly.

*I use Tarot as:

A spiritual practice

My shadow work companion and how I support others to work with their shadow

A path to deeper relationship with my inner self, and as a way to help others bridge to their inner compass

Guidance for clarity and action

A way to study personal and collective psychological and soul development: access to archetypes, parts work, and consciousness with patterns

A vehicle to get unstuck and to take action that is in alignment with my soul

A way to enhance creativity + art projects by accessing the right side of the brain through imagery and symbolism

A way to create a new perspective in one’s life.

My intention is to provide this same support + inspiration for you in your reading.


Tarot Consultation Services

Mini Love Letter  – email only.  One question/issue, three to four card spread. Client provides me with a question and we co-create a spread that feels right to support the wisdom that will come in for them. Then I do the reading, email it upon completion with a photo of the cards. $90.

Deep Dive Love Letter – email only. Same concept as the Mini, but with a bigger life pattern or issue, or a moment in time that is significant and wants to be held in sacred attunement. We will use a larger, more in-depth spread to guide you into deeper soul awareness and possible ways to integrate the knowledge into action. These are beautiful, expansive readings that you will be able to continue to work with on your own for weeks + months. A few examples: Health, Relationship, Threshold/Milestone/Birthday. $120.

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